Accept Checks By Fax or Telephone Accept checks by telephone, fax or e-mail just like credit cards. The customers signature is not necessary. Verbal authorization over the telephone is all that is needed. Increase your sales and collection results by 200% and more. Don't lose that all important impulse sale because your customer doesn't have credit card or has no available credit to make a purchase. Eliminate credit card chargebacks that can cause you to lose your credit card merchant status! Collect on that problem customer in advance to save you time and money. Do away with the check is in the mail syndrome. It is fast and simple to accept checks over the phone. Donations Collections Sales Monthly Payments Post Dated Checks Here's How It Works! Your telephone sales or collections people simply collect the check information right there over the phone, Telephone Check Systems supplies all the necessary forms. This information can either be faxed into the National Headquarters 24 hours per day, or called in to them between 9 am and 10 PM EST on any business day. As soon as National Headquarters receives the information they will immediately prepare a check against the customers bank account. The checks can be shipped overnight express so that you have them in your hands ready to deposit into your bank account within 24 hours. You can still withhold shipment for bank clearance just as you might normally do with checks received in the mail or you can telephone your customers bank to see if funds are currently available to cover the check if that is your normal procedure. Your Cost...As Low as $1 Per Check Now...enjoy increased sales, payments, collections and donations at a very economical cost. Telephone Check Payment Systems' rates are only 1 3/4% of the amount of the check, with a $1 minimum. That means that a check for $57 cost you only $1. A check for $100 cost you only $1.75...less than a credit card order and less than the charges of any of our competitors that we know of. The one-time set up fee is $295 and you can use the service as much or as little with no monthly penalties, dues or statement fees like there is with credit card merchant accounts. There are over 65 million consumers who have checking accounts but do not have credit millions of credit card holders with little or no usable credit currently available on their cards. You can dramatically increase your sales by tapping into this huge market with your ability to take check payments over the telephone. To order your check by phone system complete the order form below and fax to (405) 942-6553 along with your check for $295 or credit card information. CHECK BY PHONE ORDER FORM (Print and fax to (405) 942-6553) Company Name: Shipping Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Your Name: Title: Home Phone: TAPE YOUR CHECK HERE or Complete Credit Card Information Below Circle One: Visa MasterCard Amex Discover Card holders Name: Card holders Address: City/State/Zip: Card Number: Expiration Date: ____________________________ Signature