Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk> writes:
Joichi Ito <jito@eccosys.com> writes:
At 16:30 97/11/16 -0700, Tim May wrote:
This discussion is hardly going down in flames. You're apparently too sensitive to engage in robust debate.
This is true. I am not going engage in what you probably call a robust debate. A lot of people read this list and any robust debate will probably lower my reputation capital in some important area for me no matter what the outcome. I am not currently willing to take this risk.
I am not sure why discussion should lower your reputation capital, unless open discussion is frowned upon by those who you wish to influence. Perhaps you fear that you will be dismissed as a cypherpunk, a hardliner, whilst you are trying to appear less radical.
Because Ito-san is a lying sack of shit. "I support crypto, although not for the four horsemen." "My country will export pornography involving underage schoolgirls, but not the RSA chip." "Politically incorrect racists must be silenced". Fuck you, Ito-sun. Go suck a sashimi.