ichudov@algebra.com (Igor Chudov @ home) writes:
Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
John Young <jya@pipeline.com> writes:
The New York Times, May 7, 1997, p. D5. I.B.M. Researchers Develop A New Encryption Formula The system is based on a problem that has defied solution by mathematicians for 150 years, I.B.M. said.
I had an interesting conversation a few weeks ago with a friend who has a closed-form solution to a well-known problem that's been unsolved for about that long. He has no intention of publishing it, but he has already made quite a bit of $$$ on it. :-)
I've known the guy for a number of years and it's not the first time he get a good result and makes money on it instead of yet another paper in a refereed journal. In general, lots more is known to some people than is published. E.g. it's possible that some of stuff I did for my Ph.D. thesis was done by the British crypto people but never made it to the open literat
Mr. Schneier said that the cryptographic formulas now in use were already robust enough. The biggest challenge, he said, is creating security systems in the real world that are not vulnerable to hackers.
"Cryptography is a lot more than math" he said.
Let me get this straight - Schneier claims that factoring is secure now and will remain secure in the future?
Let me get this straight -- did your friend discover a closed form solution to the factoring problem?
Nope, the guy I had in mind solved something else which to me was about as interesting. But yes, I also heard via a grapevine that "a friend of a friend" claims to have found a trick for factoring a product of 2 arbitrarily large primes (hundreds of decimal digits) very quickly ("minutes on a PC"). I don't believe in reputations in general, but his is such that this may be true. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps