On Wed, 29 Jan 1997 f_estema@alcor.concordia.ca wrote: [stuff]
Incidentally, I remind you of the results of the moot court that was held at one of the CFP conferences, where a GAK case was tried in front of real federal judges by real lawyers. Our side lost.
Um. Actually the real judges didn't render an opinion (in public) since they might have to rule for real someday and would probably be conflicted out if they had ruled on the merits in a mock trial. The opinions were by a shadow panel of law professors, and they disagreed, 2-1. == The above may have been dictated via Dragon Dictate 2.51 voice recognition. Please be alert for unintentional word substitutions. A. Michael Froomkin | +1 (305) 284-4285; +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax) Associate Professor of Law | U. Miami School of Law | froomkin@law.miami.edu P.O. Box 248087 | http://www.law.miami.edu/~froomkin Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA | It's warm here.