I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it seems the KISS
formula has been tossed out the window.
I visit various sites that are supposed to be selling a
product or service and get various messages such as:
<> We'd like to let you know you don't have the latest
version of IE or Netscape and we'd like to ask you to
upgrade your browser at this time.
<> We're sorry but this site can only be viewed with Internet
<> If you want to view our site you'll have to download the
flash media software.
<> Sorry you need to download these plug ins before viewing our site.
Well I have to admit I'm out of there when it comes to any
of these sites.
If I'm looking for a product or service and you want my
money, don't ask me to jump through hoops to hand it to
I'm not visiting your site so I can spend the rest of the
night adding plug ins, upgrading browsers and being told
I'm not welcome unless I do a "dog and pony" show for you.
Maybe I'm wrong, but web surfers have a limited attention
span when it comes to making a buying decision and I really
don't think they're coming to be impressed by your site.
They're stopping by to see if you have what they want, need
or desire.
I'm sure many of these sites are making nice sales, but how
many more are they losing?
There are sites with a sales letter and maybe one or two
graphics making sales around the clock. You stop by, see
what they have to offer, and either you buy or you don't.
They're saying, "Hey come as you are, you're always welcome."
I know that there are a lot of goodies out there to impress
visitors with, but I'd rather feel comfortable and welcome.
If you expect me to spend my money make it easy. I'm not
looking to spend the rest of the night making upgrades and
changing browsers etc. so I can hand you my money.
I may be old fashioned, but if you want my money, make me
feel comfortable. I don't need to be told I have to change
to hand you my money.
I'm actually glad there are so many sites I can't view, it
saves me money.
Copyright (c) 2001 John Colanzi.
About the Author...
John Colanzi
New reseller program! You keep 100% of the profits on EVERY
sale. Why promote a product that only pays you 50% when you
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