On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 5:27 AM, Joseph Ashwood <ashwood@msn.com> wrote:
... the inability of a massive multiprocessing system to build proper market efficiency indicates that no one currently has a solution to prove P=NP.
correlation != causation also, the strong-form efficiency present in such an analysis fails in the face of biased and flawed real-world market actors. cognitive and informational biases render such approaches masturbatory at best.
There is also far more money in economic research than in algorithmic research...
leveraging economic research interest to fund algorithmic research is a clever approach to funding perhaps.. :)
... Maybe Maymin should apply the same processes and become a hedge fund manager, they make a lot more money than mere engineers.
until they blow up*. the quant meltdown brought such computational hubris back to earth... (Renaissance Institutional Equities Fund was down 6% at the start of this year. and 2009 should have been a good year for a hedge!) * nassim talib == the man he, by the way, recognized inherent market instability as an opportunity. the Universa fund he advises made returns of 65% to 115% in oct 2008 via his "black swan protection protocol.