Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate your taking the time to write to my office to share your opinions, concerns, and needs.

Unfortunately, because of the large volumes of email I receive on behalf of my constituents, I can only respond to citizens of the 15th Congressional District of California. If you reside in the 15th District and would like a response to your message, please resend your message and be sure to provide your complete mailing address (including zip code) in the body of your message so that I may reply to your email as soon as possible.

If you are unsure as to whether you live in the 15th Congressional District, please visit the web site of the United States House of Representatives ( There you will find an easy-to-use, zip code based system that will allow you to determine your respective representative.  If you have difficulty accessing this site or wish to contact me for any other reason, please feel free to call my office at 202-225-2631 (Washington), 408-244-8085 (San Jose), or 831-630-5834 (Santa Cruz).  Alternatively, you can fax me at (202) 225-2699.

Thank you again for contacting me.

