Please don't hit reply, send all inquiries to a7@mary-world.com http://www.mary-world.com/ans Are you interested in receiving our monthly free newsletter on the latest Computer technologies and the internet. Please send an email requesting to be added to our database, or check our web site for the latest news. If you have signed up already, please disregard this request. Download our catalog from our Internet Website http://www.mary-world.com/ans HARDWARE TRENDS BREAKING SPEED LIMITS Early benchmark tests on a prototype 300-MHz system are promising This fall will mark the arrival of a class of machines based on Intel's 300-MHz Pentium II processors, and early benchmark tests on some of the prototypes show healthy-- if not astounding-- performance gains over previous-generation Pentium systems. At NEC's invitation, PC Magazine had the chance to run tests on the company's new 300-MHz PowerMate Professional, due to ship in September. Although the configuration we tested was preliminary, the machine posted some impressive numbers. On the ZD High-End Winstone 97 test, the PowerMate earned a score of 34.8. This test runs a set of applications that heavily exercise the CPU and graphics subsystem, but purely CPU-intensive tests were really where the machine did well. On our CPUMark32 test, it posted a score of 735; on CPUMark 16, the system earned a speedy score of 556. To put these results in perspective, note that our recent test of the 266-MHz Dell Dimension XPS H266, resulted in a CPUMark32 score of 719, as opposed to the NEC system's 735, and the Dimension was the fastest by a wide margin in a group of systems based on Intel's 266-MHz Pentium II processor. The Dimension did, however, post a slightly higher score on High-End Winstone 97 than the PowerMate--36 rather than 34.8-- thanks to its advanced graphics subsystem. Most of the other 266-MHz system in our roundup posted speed scores well behind the PowerMates. Again, the configuration is still preliminary. More Adrenaline This Fall In the fall, Intel plans to ship its 440LX chip set, which supports Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) technology and will work with a new dedicated bus for graphics. The speeds posted by 300-MHz machines-- especially on graphics tasks--are likely to benefit greatly from these technologies, as bus bottlenecks currently undermine high-speed processors. Although tests show 300-MHz system to be marginally faster than 266-MHz Pentium units, the new chip set should provide a healthy shot of adrenaline. Many customers will want to time their purchases of 300-MHz machines to correspond with the chip set's arrival, but NEC's $4000 PowerMate is likely to ship in advance of the chip set. Also note that Intel has been speeding up price drops on its high-end chips in recent years, and 300-MHz systems should be substantially cheaper than $4000 by 1998. They promise to be an important step for Intel as it faces increased competition in high-end chips from AMD and Cyrix. ***************** MEMORY************************** HIGHEST QUALITY. LIFETIME WARRANTY Call for any type ofMemory not listed.Memory for Laptops and Desktops, All AppleMAC or any POWERBOOKS. EDO/ or fast page Simms 72pin Memory 2k, 60ns 8MB $35 16MB $65 32MB $119 168pin Dimms, 60ns 16MB DIMM $75 32MB DIMM $135 64MB DIMM $265 *************** COMPUTERS *************** Pentium 200MMX 16/3GB 20xCD, 15" Color Monitor, 33.6 Fax/Modem $1499/$54mo. Compaq Laptop, P120, 16/1GB, 10.4 Active Mtx, 8xCD ROM $1645 Compaq Laptop Presario P150MMx, 16/2GB, 10xCD, fax/mod $2495 Toshiba Tecra Laptop 730CDT, P150Mhz, 16/2GBCD TFT $3995 Apple Powerbook 1400/cs 16/750CD/Color/FM $1795 Apple 9600/233, 32/4GB 12xCD, $3399 Apple 8500/120Mhz 16/1GB CD $1695 Apple 6200/75Mhz, 14" Monitor,8/1GB, CD, 14.4 Fax/Mod $799 1- WE CAN E-MAIL YOU A COMPLETE CATALOG. 2- WHOLESALE PRICES ON PENTIUM LAPTOPS & DESKTOP. APPLE POWER MACS, MEMORY AND ACCESSORIES. 3- REPAIR ANY TYPE OF CPU, MONITOR, DRIVE,PRINTER FREE PICK UP & DELIVER FOR LOCALS, BEST RATES. 4- WE SHIP WORLDWIDE, OVER 11 YEARS EXPERIENCE SINCE 1985 CALL FOR OTHER CONFIGURATIONS- We carry Full line of Toshiba, Texas instruments, IBM, Radius, Daystar, Umax,Seagate, Quantum Samsung, or many other computer Printers,Scanners, Monitors, Modems Software, and peripherals.We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express,Diners,Cash, Cashier's Checks, Money Orders, COD. Active Network Solutions Inc. , 1611 Crenshaw Blvd #224, Torrance CA 9501 U.S.A Tel. (310)764-4357 Please send all inquiries to: a7@mary-world.com Internet Website http://www.mary-world.com/ans IF YOU LIKE TO BE REMOVED PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL AND WRITE (REMOVE) IN SUBJECT AREA. 10