Hello, You are receiving this because someone has requested to register the email address cypherpunks@toad.com with eGroups, a free email group service. To complete your registration, we need to verify that your email address is valid and that you do wish to register with our service. To continue with registration, please follow the confirmation steps below: 1. Go to the Web site: http://www.egroups.com/register?confirm&email=cypherpunks@toad.com 2. Enter the following authorization number: 53555 To access the eGroups Web site, please visit: http://www.egroups.com If you did not request, or do not want, an eGroups account, please accept our apologies and ignore this message. Regards, eGroups Customer Support IMPORTANT NOTE: If you believe your email address has been registered with eGroups without your consent, please forward a copy of this message to abuse@egroups.com