At 09:18 PM 04/26/2003 -0700, Tim May wrote:
[This space reserved for insertion of usual silliness about living out of suitcase, stuffed or not, and being a "perpetual tourist," which only works if one is below a certain net worth and if one likes to travel a lot.]
There are different kinds of perpetual tourism, some of which involve less travelling than others. I have friends who are believed by the Netherlands bureaucrats to be spending their time in Belgium, and by the Belgian bureaucrats to be over in the Netherlands. I think the apartment in the Netherlands is probably different than their official when-we're-not-outside-the-country address, and that their Belgian address is a mailbox, but I could have that backwards, and at least one of their addresses is probably owned by a corporation, and their net worth is probably in Switzerland or some such location, but while their net worth is fine, I think they're probably retired or at most "consulting" rather than doing full-time work. On the other hand, one nice thing about that area is that if they _do_ need to be out of the country, it's an hour or two across an unguarded border. I don't know if it's as easy to confuse the US and Canada about which country you're living in, and while the borders are permeable, they're a lot more thoroughly audited than they used to be, so maybe you need to spend more time on the ferryboat to Vancouver instead of driving or flying commercially.