DH wrote:
Spanish TV station on. They're still playing the Taliban (tsk tsk) and translating into Spanish. I don't speak spanish so I am not incited by the subliminal messages to go jihad a bunch of people.
But then they show what I take to be americans visiting mexico to buy "ciproxolina". Haven't seen that on gringo tube.
Yup. I've been spending considerable time in and around Tijuana recently--tourism numbers are way down, but the Cipro-inspired border crossing thing is real. There is also a considerable degree of freaking out at present among Mexican citizens themselves over the threat of anthrax (newscasts are talking about "Anthrax Psychosis" spreading throughout Mexico.) In addition to the contrasting coverage of Al-Qaeda video releases (US is censoring them, MX isn't...yet), networks like Univision and Telemundo are covering a number of other angles to the broader story we're not seeing from US-owned media. For instance, reports (like the url below) on the effect of 9-11 on illegal drug trafficking. Bottom line: heroin & coke prices are spiking due to heightened security along narcotrafficking corridors into the US. Don't hold your breath waiting for CNN to cover that news, amigo. <http://noticias.univision.com/content/es008145E4.html#loc1> XJ