On Fri, 15 Nov 1996, Mike McNally wrote:
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 09:03:48 -0600 From: Mike McNally <m5@tivoli.com> Reply-To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org To: aga <aga@dhp.com> Cc: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org, Dave Hayes <dave@kachina.jetcafe.org>, declan@well.com, InterNet Freedom Council <ifc@pgh.org>, cypherpunks@toad.com Subject: Re: THAT is what makes John Gilmore an ASSHOLE!
aga wrote:
No it ain't; not after the list gets so big. Public newsgroups lose all rights of censorship by the owners, and that is law.
Guffaw, guffaw.
PUKE , PUKE !!! You are a stupid bastard to laugh.
(So what if John decided simply to pull the plug on toad in order to plug in a new hot tub?)
So what the fuck? That matters not. The point is that the cypherpunks is an "all or nothing" proposition. There is no "in between" allowed any more. After a certain level, EVERYTHING reaches the "public doamin," and that is the *common-law of cyberspace.* Like, why is the fatso John Gilmore out here talking about this? Steve Boursy says all of this should go to UseNet, so it goes.
______c_________________________________________________________________ Mike M Nally * IBM % Tivoli * Austin TX * How quickly we forget that mailto:m5@tivoli.com mailto:m101@io.com * "deer processing" and "data http://www.io.com/~m101/ * processing" are different!
We want John Gilmore to respond to this censorous matter on the net. -aga