Prologue 5/0 ------------- The Story Thus Far: (Or so we would have you believe...) It is now commonly known that: American overt and covert spook agencies of one sort or another monitor--legally and illegally--almost all of the electronic communications in the world. American overt and covert spook agencies, legally and illegally make and break the finances of nations and corporations around the world. Overt and covert spook agencies of other nations do exactly the same thing, on differing scales. Internationally powerful financial agencies, groups and individuals make daily decisions affecting the lives of individuals, societies and nations, based on the desires and goals of individuals who are above and beyond the control of any nation or group of nations. Joe and Jane Sheeple are not privy to information as to who, exactly, these people are, or what their ultimate designs are for our future. Human rights and freedoms, throughout the world, are contingent upon heavily armed governments allowing us those rights and freedoms which they perceive to be in our best overall interest. Those heavily armed governments are increasingly acting in concert with one another, dividing up our finances, property and our human rights among themselves at the slightest whim. If It Prevents Just A Single Starving Biafran Child
From Exposure To A Picture Of A Naked Breast...: This is why 'Higher Authority' (government, business, a person with a large wallet or a large gun) feels compelled to 'serve and protect' the Sheeple. Of course, this all comes at a cost...
Own your own home? Bullshit! I don't care if you paid cash and have clear title--if you fail to pay property taxes to men with guns who say that you *have* to, then you are out on the street, tomorrow. Growing organic vegetables? Bullshit! Unless you have proper state certification, after having filled in the mountains of documentation and paid numerous filing fees, registration fees, incremental fees and excremental fees, as well as having paid for a mountain of testing by an independent (government approved) laboratory, thenyour sorry ass is going to jail if you whisper the word "organic" in your sleep. Do you have a name? Bullshit! I don't care what you call yourself, what your momma calls you, or what name is on your birth certificate, you are a number, and you goddamn well better *have* that fucking number ready if you want to drive a car, cross the street, make a purchase, sell something, stand in line to get a number, or breathe. NEWS FLASH!!! [Author's Note: You may want to skip the next paragraph, if you have a weak heart, or have suicidal tendencies, because it speaks a truth that is too ugly for most of us to face, even in the best of times.] The ONLY time that the powers-that-be recognize you as a unique individual with a personality, character and a history, is when they want to USE you, or FUCK you. Trust me, you don't really want to think about this too much, unless you are prepared to face the truth, because the more you think about it, the more obviously true it becomes. The information you are required to provide in applying for a driver's license--picture, height, weight, race, hair and eye color--is for the purpose of connecting you, and only you, to the number on the license. Contributed to Social Security all of your life, and now you are entitled to collect? If you have the wrong numnber, Fuck You! If the government has misplaced your number, Fuck You! If the government is using a new numbering system, Fuck You! Your name is Joe Sheeple, and you worked at the same job all of your life, and your employer, your family and your CongressPerson can all attest to the fact that you paid your share of SS each and every week, and you are now old enough to retire? Fuck you! Got a number? You are a number. Your number is used to categorize your position and status in life for use by the government and business during your journey from the cradle to the grave. Fought for your country in the Gulf War? Picked up some sort of exotic disease or disability? Spare me the detail, pal. It doesn't matter how hard you fought, how valiantly you risked your life, how many kids you have to feed, what sort of medical history you can provide about yourself before, during and after the event. Your number gets lumped in with the other numbers who got sick or disabled, and then the number-crunchers decide if the country you defended can afford for you all to be sick and disabled. Sorry, pal, but the figures are too high. So you and all of the other numbers get a big, group, Fuck You! You are a number. Trust me on this. If you can't trust 608-335-345, then who *can* you trust?