At 09:21 AM 12/22/1997 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
My impression from this and from the chapter summary is that the disk was used for flag codes but not telegraphy. For telegraphy the Union apparently used a word-based route transposition that Friedman found unimpressive. ... Friedman? Who the hell is Friedman? None of my references has anyone by that named listed, let alone involved.
Friedman was the WWII / Korean War cryptographer who wrote some of the main surveys of crypto at the time. In particular, he wrote a 4-volume set of books, some of which were declassified, and some which became declassified after a lawsuit by John Gilmore. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639