Declan McCullagh wrote:
From U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno's weekly press conference, held this morning at the Department of Justice. She's speaking about an upcoming meeting of the G-7 nations and Russia:
Summary: International Law Enforcement. New World Order. International Law Enforcement. New World Order. International Law Enforcement...
At this meeting we will be discussing ways in which our countries can work together to better identify and locate cybercriminals.
The solution is working together as nations. Our law enforcement agencies must learn to work together more closely on these issues and more quickly than ever before
I think it is going to be incumbent upon us all to develop the expertise on the part of law enforcement, both at the federal and state level, to make sure that we know who our counterparts are around the world and that we come together on this issue.
Declan adds:
I guess this is the Department of Justice's response to "cryptoanarchy."
How many people have recognized the Big Lie increasingly being spread by the self-proclaimed guardians of the future of all humanity? What happens if the InterNet disappears from the face of the earth, tomorrow? Not a whole helluva lot. It would be a loss, but in no way a major disaster for all mankind. The InterNet is the Falklands. There is really no need to mount a huge armed force to travel halfway around the world and 'put things straight' unless this-or-that perceived authority deems it to be necessary/in the national interest/a good idea/profitable/etc. Ask yourself this..."If the InterNet is such a highly important, as well as highly vulnerable, infrastructure--of momentous value to our military and economic well-being--then why on earth did our government announce that it was of major importance for every man, woman, and child, sane and insane, to have access to it?" "It is a matter of national urgency that every citizen should tour the Pentagon, as soon as possible. Of course, in the interests of national security, it will be necessary to give everyone who does so a digital implant." "We have adopted a policy of allowing your children to play in our missle silos, but we will have to imprison them if they play with the buttons."
Automation, computers, the Internet have now made boundaries, in many instances, meaningless.
Those in power recognize this, and they also recognize the need to recreate and/or redefine it as a valuable treasure in need of defending from the Great Enemy. This time around the Karmic Circle, however, the Great Enemy is everyone on the face of the earth. Isn't there a Chinese curse which says, "May you live in interesting times."? TruthMonger