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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 12:31:04 +0000 (GMT) From: "David E. Smith" <> Subject: Re: Talk of Banning Research into Human Cloning (fwd)
I wonder if it is the intention of those who support a ban on human cloning to prevent my friend who lost his forearm in the Vietnam War from having a new one grown and attached?
Yup. Unless there's some remarkable breakthrough, you can't just grow an eyeball, or a kidney, or whatever. You've gotta grow the whole body. In time, we might be able to genegineer the process for optimal production of the targeted body part, likely with all sorts of side effects that would be, er, detrimental in a "real" person.
Actualy, at least according to one episode of that show on TDC that Skully form the X-Files hosts, there are several groups who are working on just this thing. One female researcher has extended the life of worms (admittedly a step or two from humans) by 7 times with no apparent effect. There was a piece on CNN late last nite about some researchers discussing this as well. Their estimate is that it would be at least 5 years before there would be anything available on the open market. There is also at least two groups working on growing specific organs. One group (the one interviewed on the TDC show) is using plastic forms to grow the organs in. They can apparently grow small samples of specific cells and are looking at how to organize the growth of more complex structures such as a kidney which would include blood-vessels and such. I am sorry I don't know the name of the show. If somebody out there does please speak up. My prediction is that within 15 years there will be methods to extend human life by at least a factor of 3 and techniques to replace every organ or structure with the persons own cells (thus alleviating all tissue rejection problems) through accellerated growth mechanism based on cloning in such a way that cancer, accidents, etc. will become at best temporary tragedies. In short, unless you get your head or entire torso squished there will be methods to keep people alive for periods approaching 200 years. Further, these techniques will be available through standard insurance via your employer because they will be low cost (that's the nice thing about bio-science). ____________________________________________________________________ | | | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make | | violent revolution inevitable. | | | | John F. Kennedy | | | | | | _____ The Armadillo Group | | ,::////;::-. Austin, Tx. USA | | /:'///// ``::>/|/ | | .', |||| `/( e\ | | -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- Jim Choate | | | | 512-451-7087 | |____________________________________________________________________|