At 2:18 PM -0500 10/1/98, Kevin Elliott wrote:
Said Matthew James Gering,
Bullshit, monopolies exist because of the regulation.
I'm afraid sir, that your ingonorance is showing. Pick up any college (hell, high school) ecomonics textbook. Certain types of businesses are inheritly advantagious to monopolies. The electric company is the classic example- their is no cost effective way for an electric company to supply power to a given area unless it is a monopoly. Certain types of businesses are suited to certain types of competition, and, unregulated, monopolies are exactly what you get. This was exactly the situation that occured at the turn of the century and it happened because regulation was non-existant! Your statement is wonderfully trite but I see no evidence to support it.
I'd suggest you go back to school and think a bit.In most places the "Electric Company" is a goverment sponsored and deligated monopoly. Competition is prohibited by REGULATION. This also occurs with Gas, Water, Telephone, especially Non-commercial, cable, and in some places Garbage disposal. -- work related issues. I don't speak for Playboy. everthing else. They wouldn't like that. They REALLY Economic speech IS political speech. wouldn't like that.