<HTML><PRE><BODY BGCOLOR="#00ffff"> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=5><B>MAKE YOUR MAILBOX YOUR CASH ATM MACHINE! </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B> <FONT COLOR="#8000ff" BACK="#00ffff" SIZE=3> Immediately Make a Copy of this Letter, <B>PRINT IT SAVE</B> and <B>READ</B> again. I received this Letter 3 times before I decided to try it. I beat up on my self for not joining this group sooner ===<B>Add your Name the our Mailing List and start Receiving Cash!===</B> </FONT></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#FFFFFF" SIZE=3> Greetings: Hopefully my name is still on the list below. I am a retired attorney and about two years ago, a man came to me with a letter. NOTE: This is not a chain letter. THIS SERVICE IS 100% LEGAL! (Refer to TITLE 18, Section 1302 & 1342 of the U.S. POSTAL and LOTTERY LAWS). The letter he brought me is basically the same letter you have in your hands. He asked me to verify the fact that this letter was legal to do. I told him I would review it and get back to him. When I first read the letter my client brought me, I thought it was some kind of off-the wall idea to make money. A week and a half later, we met in my office to discuss the issue. I told him to make a small change in the letter and it would be all right. I was still curious about the letter, so he told me how it works. I thought it was a long shot, so I decided against participating, but before my client left, I asked him to keep me updated as to his result. About two months later he called me to tell me <B>HE HAD</B> <B>RECEIVED OVER $800,000.00 IN CASH</B>. I didn't believe him, so he asked me to try his idea and find out for my self. I thought about it for a couple days and decided I didn't really have anything to lose, so I asked him for a copy of the letter. I followed the instructions exactly, mailed out 200 copies, and sure enough, the money started arriving! It came slowly at first, but after about three weeks, I was getting more mail than I could open in a day. After about three months the money stopped coming. <B>I KEPT PRECISE RECORDS OF THE EARNINGS AND AT THE END, IT TOTALED $868,494.00!</B> I was earning a good living as a lawyer, but anyone in the legal profession will tell you, there is a lot of stress that comes with the job. I told myself if things work out, I would retire from the practice and play golf. I decided to try the letter again, but this time I sent 500 letter out. Well, three months later, <B>I HAD TOTALED $2,344,178.00</B> ! I just couldn't believe it. I met my old client for lunch to find out how it worked. He told me there are quite a few similar letters going around. <B>WHAT MAKES THIS ONE DIFFERENT IS THE FACT THAT THERE ARE SEVEN NAMES INSTEAD OF FIVE </B> <B>LIKE MOST OTHERS.</B> That fact alone results in your name being on far more return. The other factor was the help I gave him in making sure the whole thing was perfectly legal, since nobody wants to risk doing something illegal. I'll bet by now you are curious to know what little change I told him to make. Well, If you sent a letter like this out, to be legal, you need to actually sell something if you expect to receive a <B>DOLLAR</B>. I told him anyone sending a dollar back to him must receive something in return. So, when you send a dollar to each of the seven people on the list, you must include a slip of paper with the words: "Please put me on your mailing list", include your, name, mailing address, e-mail optional... <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3><B>THIS IS THE KEY TO THE PROGRAM!! THE ITEM YOU WILL RECEIVE FOR THE DOLLAR YOU SEND TO THE SEVEN NAMES IS YOUR NAME ON THEIR MARKETING LETTER AND THE RIGHT TO EARN THOUSANDS ! ! </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B> Follow the simple instructions below exactly, & in less than three months, you will receive over<B> $800,000.00 GUARANTEED!!!!!!!! </B> 1. Immediately send $1.00 to each of the seven people on the list below, wrap a dollar in a note saying, "Please add me to your mailing list" and include your name, mailing address , optional e-mail address. 2. Remove the names in the #1 position on the list and move the rest of the names up one position. Then place your name in the #7 position. This is best done by saving this to a text file and editing it yourself and saving the new edited copy. Or typing a new list, (Only the names) taping or gluing over the old ones. Or by. Be very careful when you type the address and proof read them. <FONT COLOR="#800000" SIZE=3><B>1. G. Paul, 314 Sidney Martin St., Lafayette, LA 70507 2. I.A. Goodspeed, 33080 Brockway St, Union City, CA 94587 3. M. Alfred, P.O. Box 33366, San Antonio, Texas 78265 4. Ophelia Williams, 1250 E. Alexander St, Lafayette, LA 70501 5. Ed.. Bronsc, 9824 South Western Avenue #321, Evergreen Park, IL 60805 6. ABC Sales, 12541A South Western, Box 4, Blue Island, IL 60406 7. S. Andrews, 89 Park Street, Rear Building #2, Montclair, NJ 07042 </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B> 3. When you have completed the instructions, you have the option of mailing your New Letter out in two ways: (1) by e-mail or (2)Through the U.S. Postal Service. Either way will bring big payoffs. This letter has been proven perfectly legal for both ways as long as you follow the above instructions, because you are purchasing membership in an exclusive mailing list. To mail this out over the Internet,. All you have to do is order several hundred thousand e-mails from a provider like the one below. Also you can go to the members directory in AOL and there you can collect thousands of names for free. However, you will need a utility to collect these names from AOL. As a Member of AOL, go the Keyword, there is a free software utility under BPS software called Power tools. This will allow you to cut and paste e-mails . Remember it does not cost anything to mail on the Internet. Or you can get a Mass Mail Network to mail it out in large volumes for you. We highly recommend this one. They always email more than you purchase and their address are fresh. Mail this letter to them with your name and address in the Position # 7 above. A good one to use is: Global Frontiers Marketing 732-728-0064 They are fair and do a good job of mailing to lots of internet providers. 4. We have a Fresh List of AOL Email address ready to use. These addresses are downloaded weekly. 50,000 AOL E-mail addresses $7.50; 100,000/ $10.00 you also get a Free Mailer with and order of 100,000 e-mails These addresses are on 3 .5 Disk. Ebran Marketing 9824 South Western Suite 321 Evergreen Park, IL 60805 5. If you are going to use the traditional U.S. Postal Service to do this program, you will want to make copies of this letter at a copy center (kinkos copy service) and order a minimum of 500 names (1000 is best) from a mailing list company. Ebran Marketing, 9824 S. Western Ave, Suite 321, Evergreen Park, IL 60805 500/ $15.00 1000/ $20.00 These two also have effective lists: Avon Distributors ~ P.O. Box B11 ~ Shelly, ID 83274 ~ (800) 992-3866 DataLine ~ P.O.Box 7348 ~ Omaha, NE 68107 ~ (800)497-2912 (A) While waiting for you list to arrive, place your copies in envelopes, stamp, and seal them. <B>DO NOT PUT YOUR RETURN ADDRESS ON</B> <B>THE ENVELOPES! </B>This will only pique the curiosity of the receiver. (B) When your mailing list arrives, place a label on each of your envelopes and drop them in the mail box. Within 90 days, you will receive over $800,000.00 in cash !!! * Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it a second time. Mail it out again in about six months but mail it to the addresses you receive with each dollar. It will work again, only much better! <B>BE SURE TO MAIL $1.00 TO EACH OF THE NAMES ON THE LIST ABOVE. INTEGRITY AND HONESTY WILL MAKE THIS PLAN WORK. </B> And together <B>WE WILL ALL PROSPER.</B> Here's how the system works: Assume for example you get a 7.5% return rate, which is very conservative. My first attempt was about 9.5% and my second was over 11%. 1.When you send out 200 letters, 15 people will send you $1.00 = <B>$15.00 </B> 2.Those 15 mail out 200 letters each and 225 people send $1.00 =<B>$225.00</B> 3.Those 225 mail out 200 letters each and 3,375 people send $1.00=<B>$3,375.00</B> 4.Those 3,375 mail out 200 letters each and 50,625 people send $1.00=<B>$50,625.00 </B> 5.Those 50,625 mail out 200 letters each and 759,372 people send $1.00=<B>$759,372.00</B> At this point your name drops off the list...but so far you have received <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3><B>$813,612.00</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B> It works every time, but how well depends on how many letters you send out. In the example above, you mailed out 200 letters, if you had mailed out 500 letters, you would have received over $2,00,017. NOW, just think if you send out 50,000 to 100,000 e-mails and you only get 1.5 to a 3% response and each person responding send out another 50,000 to 100,000 with the 1.5 to 3% response. Now you see you can easily reach the $800,000 plus with little effort on your part. (Check the Math Yourself) With this kind of possible return, you have got to try it.Try it once and you will do it again!!!!. Just make sure you send a <B>DOLLAR </B>to each of the seven names on the list with a note to be added to their mailing list. Follow the above instructions exactly, you will have <B>SUCCESS!!!!!!</B> PS: You have read this far, so let me ask you one simple question: What do you have to loose? Just $7.00, but with a little effort on your part, you can gain over $800,000 <B>EVERYBODY ON THE LIST NEEDS EVERYBODY'S HELP. </B> <B>TRY IT NOW ! ! </B>Place your name on our mailing List by sending your $1.00 to each of the 7 names above today. Within about 14 days you will need help counting your $1.00 bills <FONT COLOR="#0f0f0f" BACK="#fffffe" SIZE=3> </PRE></HTML