-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <199706130357.WAA08338@manifold.algebra.com>, on 06/12/97 at 10:57 PM, ichudov@Algebra.COM (Igor Chudov @ home) said:
William H. Geiger III wrote:
at 10:47 PM, ichudov@Algebra.COM (Ignoramus Chewed-Off) said:
William H. Geiger III wrote:
Seems that there is a bug in Netscape including the new Communicator that Do you know if the bug affects Unix versions? How about linux? And what is the exploit?
They didn't go into details but they did say in the report that it was a bug in the "core" of the Netscape code so I would imagine that it is cross platform.
Unfortunatly they did give details on how to use this bug.
This seems to be a bug that has been out for awhile as it is not just the new Communicator but older versions of NS also.
Perhaps time to generate a new PGP key pair? :(
You mean, your passphrase is empty?
No I feel quite secure in my choice of passphrases. I don't use NS so I am not concerned about it. If for some reason I thought that a 3rd party had aquired my secring.pgp file I would generate a new key (I'm paranoid but that doesn't mean that "they" aren't out to get me <g>). - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBM6DTgo9Co1n+aLhhAQEwZwP/Tr8gp9rfW8AKfQHCxwF2EyIkyAxdJc1k RLAGWG/B3Sr4Xw8V8gfMw5rxh12gX6In1Xwj0XmlD0VVA7wkSS8Ai//zVoCTzIQU MEeJQ/wLsJlxjNYwU32J+li4DIUCGqWvf+2vUHhasF8ANLK+f9Rh9/+76Wqkawmp I0195q/QZAk= =aeNE -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----