On 6/21/06, J.A. Terranson <measl@mfn.org> wrote:
... WTF was the actual _point_ of this in the first place? What would the possible payoff be?
clearly you haven't seen the n3td3v threads in full-disclosure. keep those lip^H^H^Hkeyboards flapping over flippant falafel, a resource consumption attack. pwned! lolz... on a more serious note i am sure there is tor tampering where possible. the reason i had to kill the original peertech node (was this this first non-roger public node or is my dementia/schizophrenia progressing?) is related to this subject, though i'll let dead dogs decompose where they lay(lie?) and avoid another tangent into "apparent paranoia". physical security is a necessary element of trust, along with all the other realms of cypherpunk voodoo (infosec, emsec, trannysecx, etc). i know good security when i see it (hah); the truth shall set you free [or make you crazy]. opportunistic may be popular but active eve waits for the unprepared. http://public.peertech.org/tmp/tapd-01.jpg http://public.peertech.org/tmp/tapd-02.jpg (hey, why you hiding fucker?) a better fed chick this year please, love coderman - your clinically classified canary.