The call goes to a Canadian office that in turn phones the cops. So far, it has a 100 percent recovery rate.
====== 100% of WHAT? Systems with it installed which are stolen? How would you know what systems do NOT call in? It's like the question the clerk asks at the airport: "Did anyone put anything in your luggage you don't know anything about?"
Now that the word is out, of course, the wily thief will eschew pluggin in until the hard drive is reformatted and installed with a clean OS. As usual: the stupid will be caught.
This has been discussed on this list before, about 1 year ago. The Computrace software is installed on a place on the hard drive where DOS utilities like Fdisk and Format can not get at it. This is the same as Diskmanager Version 7 or higher, Fdisk and Format will not remove this version of Diskmanager. The Computrace software is configured to call the 1-800 number on a regular pre-assigned schedule and talk to the computers at Absolute Software. If the notebook has been reported stolen the computers at Absolute will advise the subject unit to call back on a more frequent basis. The Computrace software turns off all modem speaker functionality. With all calls to a 1-800 number the calling number is reported to the call receiving site. This is always the case and the calling party has no control over this feature, it just happens as the 1-800 number owner is paying for the call. As a matter of interest this type of business could not be based in the USA as it is unlawful to use the calling number information gained through 1-800 calls for any business advantage or use, including this one. However, US LEAs have no problem cooperating with Absolute Software and they do cooperate. I have no connection to Absolute Software other than I visited their web site and I have a pretty good idea how they perform their promises. I have no idea on how to remove the Computrace program unless it is on a Seagate or Western Digital hard drive. Both of these manufacturers make low-level format programs for their IDE drive products available on their web sites and a low-level format will remove Diskmanager and I assume Computrace. I assume most notebooks which are recovered are found to be in the hands of a buyer rather than the person responsible for the actual theft. But, the eventual buyer is indirectly responsible for the initial theft of the notebook. Virtually Raymond Mereniuk Raymond@wcs.net