-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- An entity claiming to be Jim Choate wrote: : : Forwarded message: : : > TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan (AP) -- Hired to teach computer technology : > at a marketing company, Cameron Barrett suggested his trainees check : > out his Web page, where he published his own fiction. : > : > Some women staff members did, and were shocked by the violent and : > sexually explicit passages. : > : > They complained to their boss, and Barrett was fired. Not all that surprising. If Barrett suggested his pages as an example, that makes them part of his curriculum. Curriculums that don't fit in with the Diversity model are usually pretty short-lived. That's a big "Duh" on his part. Mark - -- [] Mark Rogaski "That which does not kill me [] wendigo@pobox.com only makes me stranger." [] [] finger wendigo@deathstar.jabberwock.org for PGP key [] anti spambot: postmaster@localhost abuse@localhost uce@ftc.gov -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQEVAwUBNL68EHzbrFts6CmBAQFcNAf9HLlKRRkxU432Auzml50ekYGNJIZX1EXQ LGAccA+wA80/zLq/cDkXPjn2Ce0z6skmI9zQ2a8BNblm1mn4hbHFMVFlffvd2CRj OANASDTxkgwPQcGPSes/CukQ72BYip1aE2CxX2WwgnsKOrMhGGsJ07K7nNhOza3i f8i5N6W/3EHP64pXKOQ2iWVQWzGXTZDW4YHI6DziUD2wXlpphkhoPQUseWA+2W4/ 1ikHP8UKuqE+UXpBUKFNyjVYDhdlKDUiHlOcAj1OnGJGNL4JBxa/6jeZFOA1oCdO tT9Orsco8pXoezP5rrajqHJ453RWSZUcxCoC0BDev0XjHEARd/nm/A== =TA1+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----