Thanks for your interest in Xbox.

If you haven't already heard, Microsoft has announced a partnership with Imagine Media to publish the Official Xbox Magazine. Although you'll have to wait a year to see the print incarnation, Imagine wants to whet your appetite with the attached sample of their e-newsletter. Check it out and sign up to get it sent to you.

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Some staggering numbers from the actual constructing of the Xbox.
Is approximately how many miles of cable that Microsoft is manufacturing for Xbox.
That's roughly enough cable to plug an electric nose clipper in St. Louis, Missouri and trim the rampantly growing nasal hair of Woody Allen in New York City.
The number of individual parts inside of an Xbox
Number of those parts that are "unique" (i.e. not a screw)

How would you like to have a gaming magazine that combines the power and authority of an Official Magazine with the spirit, independence, and irreverance of a well-produced fanzine? See what we've got planned for Summer 2001.

What kind of magazine do you really want? Speak up now or forever keep it to yourself.

Welcome to the Official Xbox Newsletter. Every month, you're going to get a complete blast of information right from the makers of the forthcoming Official Xbox Magazine and straight into your eyeballs. It could only get better if we were able to transmit the data straight into your cerebral cortex - and if we could, we would.
One-hundred and fifty-five of the best developers in the world have pledged allegiance to the Xbox - We've got the scoop, the games, and the rumors on 16 of the biggest.
He has a weird name, he loves to talk, and he knows more about the Xbox than anyone on this planet. See him talk, ask him questions, and generally marvel at his innate ability to tell you nothing and give away everything.
Xbox vs. PlayStation 2 and what it means to you.
Actual gossip or complete fabrications based on nothing more than one man's slide into insanity? Judge for yourself.
10 - Petition Fruit Of The Loom to bring back adult-sized Underoos ... And nine other perfectly good ways to waste ... err ... spend the time
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