I'm -almost- ready to admit defeat and move on.
Did you see the part where I mention that I am (a) an ex-marine, IMHO Marines burn just like the rest of us wimps. They just don't scream as much.
You ever seen 3000 gallons of jet fuel burn, AOED the biggest fire I've seen was the fire here in CA last month. 6-8 Million tires. Nobody had the balls to put that one out. At peak 1000X your jet fuel deal. Scary. Very.
5 gals. of burning gasoline is NOT a problem. ISASI ( it sure as shit is ) if you're wearing it on your back.
5 Gals. cooking off in a sealed container IS a problem. FYI 5 ounces mixed with compressed air in a metal container could easily be fatal.
Fuck you. Yes, yes, PTMYT ( pleased to meet you too ).
Remember, shit draws flies. There'll just be more geniuses asking how to make noncryptographic devices. I would enjoy some crypto-tech talk. Found any cool primitive polynomials lately? Got a good block cipher with a 4096 bit block size and an even bigger key space? Got some time to donate to actually put together some good HW/SW systems? Mike