At 01:36 PM 5/27/97 -0700, Tim May wrote:
Electronic Frontiers Georgia has set up a key repository for PGP type keys. ... But as Robert knows more directly than I, Georgia also has the "anonymity is a crime" laws on the books (an article excerpt is below...doing a search on Georgia and anonynimity will turn up a lot of articles). ... So, what will happen if people, entities, remailers, pseudonyms, etc.. submit keys to this EFF-Georgia repository without providing SS number, passport, mother's maiden name, etc.?
It's not really a big problem - the law doesn't forbid the EFF to accept anonymously submitted communications, it only forbids Subjects of the State of Georgia to send them.
(Will Georgia seek the BlackNet operator's extradition for not complying with Georgia's law when he submits the BlackNet key? Does the Georgia EFF plan to enforce the Georgia law?)
If you don't provide enough address information along with your key for the Cracker Police to find your True Name and hunt you down, that's just a shame, now isn't it... especially if the EFGA doesn't file a complaint about it. Besides, how can they extradite someone they can't find - send polite diplomatic notes to all the governments in the world asking them to find some unknown character for them? "Please extradite the usual suspects!" # Thanks; Bill # Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com # You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp # (If this is a mailing list or news, please Cc: me on replies. Thanks.)