I'm sure all of the 'nice' things you say about the federal
prosecutor who was recently removed from office are true.
However, since he had a part in my being tortured in a
seatac federal prison while being denied even the most
basic of constitutional rights, I believe that whatever fate
he met was undoubtedly the result of his having made
a choice to actively participate in the abuses of justice
and basic human decency which are endemic in the
Western District of Washington federal courts.
It is not surprising that Thomas Wales was extremist in
his views of the need to disarm the American Citizens,
since the crimes being committed by himself and his
coworkerconspirators were being done at gunpoint, thus
allowing them to shit all over justice and the constitution
with impunity in the course of their PerseProsExecutions
of their victims.
I am certain that the one-sided garbage you write about
these criminals will serve to maintain your world view --
 which cannot survive the reality of accepting that perhaps
hiding the atrocities being committed by the average
GoodGuy <nod-nod> <wink-wink> in Imaginary
America will not be sufficient to protect them from
the fact that we reap what we sow...
Your hypocrisy, OfCourseOfCourse [TM], lies in the fact
that eWe and your ilk are so quick to place responsibility
for the fate of the PerseProsExecuted on their own
decisions and actions, while completely ignoring this
aspect of Reality [TM] in regard to those who maintain
your Imaginary Ameri%a by the use of guns and the
abuse of the citizenry.

CJ Parker <sonofgomez709@yahoo.com>
"Proud To Be A Felon In Ameri%a" ['%' Is For SWASTIKA!]