she wears birkenstocks to fashion shows.
3. i think that packages stacked all over the house are a nice decorative touch (and they remind me how good people are to donate to project 31) happy things!
there's a tiny restaurant
i mean, look at her hair.
happy happy days.
i am looking forward to a date with grant.
cate was so happy she began yelling "let's give a hand to springtime!
when you need to be home, may you find your way.
we are happily enjoying being able to play outside again.
i am blocking my two latest projects today and will show them tomorrow.
i am determined to get the house clean so i can relax and sew tomorrow.
and my wheels are turning with projects to put together for a locals knitting class.
time for a new spring look...
we ate corned beef and cabbage with irish soda bread last night in preparation for the day of the irish.
it was super delicious.
and a delicious coke.
back in a few days
i was given the irish name kelly after my great grandparents' last name.
i am excited about my new running shoes.
soft and long lacy scarf light enough for spring, extra long for winter wrapping, elegant enough for church, cute enough for a tshirt...i really love this scarf pattern (gee can you tell?).