Somewhere it has been written that it is high chickenshit to post a claim that it will be "my last in the thread" rather than just not shit that last pile and then walk away a little distance to spy who comes to sniff and shit on yours thus requiring yet one more dollop of numero uno grafitti, usually a while later when it can be done without calling attention to mirror-image idiocy of last word authoritarian fart-biters. Still, no chickenshit behavior is more idiotic than plonking and kill-filing and bragging about them and recommending them ad pukem, rather just taking up doily crochet. Time to lay off Jim Choate, too, Sandy, smells like hysteria. And a bad provoke for mass hysteria which breaks out here at the barest of fangs. Which never happened in the golden days of comfort thinking. Hope nobody agrees with this spit bomb. Spit.