I apologize for posting this essentially three times. I'm sure by now nobody cares how to forge a usenet post :-)
I thought it was pretty good. After all, the implications of such a scheme are widespread. I can imagine someone posting a message to talk.politics.guns, purporting to be from clinton@whitehouse.gov (or whatever the White House email address is these days), saying that personally he thinks Sarah Brady is an idiot, but that he has to go along with the Brady Bill for political reasons, and hell, he's just an Arkansas boy who goes out behind the Oval Office and target practices with the Secret Service staff on weekends... Of course, along more sinister lines, someone anonymously posting death threats to Clinton might not be caught, but the Secret Service would sure be all over someone's system REAL FAST. I suppose it's an interesting "denial of service" attack against a site that you don't like... -- Ed Carp erc@wetware.com 510/659-9560 For anonymous mailers --> anonymus+5300@charcoal.com "Disagreements are not meant to be challenges. They are just a different reality." -- Risa D'Angeles