On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
there's a simple solution to anyone who doesn't like the so-called "mandatory voluntary" rating systems.
I've mentioned this half in jest before, but why don't all the moralistic fanatics petition their church to come up with filtering software. That way you could be sure what kind of stuff your church were filtering out. In doing so you would be providing a powerful check on the values of your religious institution. Since hard-core profit motives would be eliminated you could check if your church actively filters specific sites. This is something the net-nanny software doesn't allow you to do because their filter lists are proprietary. I know the RC church has plenty of additional clergy to devote to such a noble task ;-) The types of filtered information are up to your church: Anyone care to submit major censoring categories for each church? ;-) Maybe the best way for cypherpunks to attack this is to come up with free generic filtering software that any well recognized group can develop filtering lists for. Wait -- a name is coming to me -- GNUSitter? Please append your filtering categories here: Roman Catholic: Jewish: Lutheran: Pentacostal: Baptist: Southern Baptist: Scientologist: Davidian: Statist: Morman: Subgenius: All hail Eris! jim