At 3:31 AM -0700 6/23/97, Philip A. Mongelluzzo wrote:
I still am concerned about kids being subject to material that is inappropriate for their age group (what ever that may be). So how do I insure that my son/daugher does not get their hands on _THIS_ material?
Presumably by controlling them yourself. You can't demand that others limit their thoughts, or their fucking words [added deliberately] just so that little Johnny and Suzie won't ever be exposed to four letter words or even images more suitable for adults. If you don't want them exposed, don't let them be exposed. Simple.
Twenty seven years ago I took an oath to do whatever was needed to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies (domestic and foreign) But
Like the Congressvermin, you took the oath but failed to understood what you were supposdly defending. (Actually, not to sound disrespectful, but as there has been no credible threat of attack or invasion of the states in America in at least 170 years, what you were largely agreeing to protect and defend were the force projections of the U.S. military to places like Viet Nam, Lebanon, Cuba, and Europe; and you were also protecting the CIA-controlled C-5 cargo planes importing drugs into the U.S.) "Congress shall make no law" does _not_ mean "Congress shall pass more and more laws designed to protect children and other impressionable persons against thoughts they shouldn't be having."
what is the solution to this problem from a parents point of view? Simple - control the material. Make it like liquor, guns, booze. Oops.. for some reason this is a violation of the 1st amendment to! Ok, my mistake, its my problem. That's easy, no Internet access. Now my kid is at a disadvantage! I keep loosing here. I don't like the way this is beginning to feel!!
Your problem, not mine, and not this list's, and not government's. If you don't want your child to read certain items, or see certain things, or think certain thoughts, it's up to you to control this. Exactly analogous to a Muslim parent not wanting his child exposed to heathen thoughts and images. And so on. (Really, it is precisely analogous...think about it.)
I'm sure that the community on this list has discussed this problem at length. What is the best defense? How do we get the message out or, better yet, deliver it?
No, actually we have not discussed this "problem" at length. No reason too, as this is not a list about parenting and parental techniques and moral teachings for children.
Whatever that is, we need to do the same thing for the 2nd Ammendment, and the 3rd, and so on.
Nope. You're on the wrong list. "Gun control" means being able to aim and fire accurately and quickly.
Just another citizen wondering if anything is going to be left for our grandchildren.
Not if people like you demand that government "do something!" --Tim May There's something wrong when I'm a felon under an increasing number of laws. Only one response to the key grabbers is warranted: "Death to Tyrants!" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, tcmay@got.net 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^1398269 | black markets, collapse of governments. "National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."