Bill Frantz <frantz@netcom.com> writes:
At 4:50 PM -0700 6/3/97, Kent Crispin wrote:
Contrast ["milita violence"] with the brilliance of the anarchist Eward Abbey in "The Monkey Wrench Gang", where the anti-government acts were calculated to call forth popular support. <snip> If you at least avoid killing people, then you have fewer bitter enemies and a better chance of holding on to your winnings. The examples of Gandhi, King, and Mandala come to mind. Contrast their success with the results of the violence approach as exemplified by the generations old wars in Ireland and Israel.
You left out Sea Shepard, who sank the entire Icelandic whaling fleet (with zero casualties) on night. Earth First!, Greenpeace, and other somewhat-less-direct action groups have used "terrorist" means and achieved enourmous popular support. Jer "standing on top of the world/ never knew how you never could/ never knew why you never could live/ innocent life that everyone did" -Wormhole