From: Subject: Key Goal for UN: Accelerating Fight Against Terrorism Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 15:48:01 -0500 To: Source: USIA /newsitem.shtml 21 September 1998 KEY U.S. GOAL FOR UNGA: ACCELERATING FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM (Ambassador Burleigh cites U.S. priorities for 53rd UNGA) (1110) By Judy Aita USIA United Nations Correspondent United Nations -- Emphasizing the Clinton administration's "full measure of support" for the United Nations, the chief U.S. delegate to the 53rd General Assembly said that U.S. priorities include furthering international cooperation against weapons proliferation, terrorism, and international crime. Ambassador A. Peter Burleigh, head of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, said, "We face in the 53rd session of the General Assembly a crucial agenda of work, in a year of crucial significance for the United States and its relationship with the world body, and at a time when it is more imperative than ever for nations of the world to face united the threats to our common economic, political, social, and environmental security." "The UN provides political and economic options benefiting Americans in the form of a safer, more prosperous world, and at a savings through collective cost-sharing rather than unilateral burdensharing," he said at a press conference September 18. "We are convinced that by remaining engaged in the UN we promote vital American leadership, and reflect the depth of quiet support felt for the UN among the American people," Burleigh said. The General Assembly began September 9 overshadowed by crisis situations around world: the nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan in May, terrorist bombings at U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, growing tension between Iran and Afghanistan, Iraq's refusal to cooperate with UN weapons inspectors, and continued fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Citing the terrorist bombings in Nairobi and Tanzania and U.S. efforts to bring to trial two Libyan suspects in the Pan Am bombing almost 10 years ago, Burleigh said "the U.S. and UN are engaged in a struggle against international terrorism. Our weapon of choice is international cooperation." "Our policy is this: No deals with terrorists, bring terrorists to justice, and pressure states that sponsor and harbor them," he said. Burleigh noted that the United States remains committed to UN reform, which has been a major U.S. concern for several years. "Progress is occurring," the ambassador said. "The UN has cut its budget and staff, established an inspector general's office, and strengthened both peacekeeping and administrative operations. The secretary general's reform initiatives, endorsed by the General Assembly, are in large part the same as our own goals and will substantially improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the UN system." Ironically, during the 53rd UNGA session, the United States could lose its voting rights unless the U.S. Congress appropriates the funds requested by the Clinton administration for UN dues. According to Article 19 of the UN Charter, any UN member that owes two years' annual dues loses its voting rights in the assembly. As of August 31, 1998, the United States owed the United Nations more than $1,600 million. Of that, $572 million is for the regular budget; $1,041 million for peacekeeping; and $2.8 million for the international tribunals. In January the U.S. 1999 assessment of $297.7 million will be due. "Article 19 does not affect our participation in the Security Council or other UN bodies and it does not alter our joint agenda for the coming UNGA session," the ambassador said. The US delegation will pursue a "vigorous, active agenda," he stressed. "We were disappointed this year that the legislation passed by Congress to enable the U.S. to pay its UN arrears included provisions on international family planning that were totally unacceptable to the (Clinton) administration," Burleigh said. "The president has repeatedly voiced his determination that the U.S. must start repaying its UN arrears," the ambassador said. "I don't think Congress wants to see a situation where the U.S. loses its vote," he added. "We hope before adjourning in October Congress will appropriate the funds. The president and secretary of state are actively lobbying to make that happen." President Clinton will be one of more than 30 heads of state or government who will be addressing the assembly during its traditional two-week general debate, which begins on September 21. Burleigh pointed to the president's recent speech on global economic challenges to the Council on Foreign Relations as significant for U.S.-UN work as well. Clinton said that "at this moment of financial turmoil, we are called upon once again to lead -- to organize the forces of a committed world to channel unruly energy into positive channels that advance our interest, reinforce our values, and enhance our security...Now it is time for us to rise to our responsibility, as America has so many times before, so that we can redeem the promise of the global economy, and strengthen our nation for the 21st Century," Burleigh recalled. "President Clinton's words call (upon) us too, at the start of the UNGA, to redeem the full promise and potential of the United Nations for the world," the ambassador said. The assembly will deal with a wide variety of issues on its 165-item agenda -- including human rights, arms control and disarmament, the environment, refugees, drug trafficking, and population. U.S. goals for the UNGA include: -- recommitting the international community to human rights during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; -- convincing India and Pakistan to adhere to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and discouraging other potential nuclear weapons states from conducting nuclear tests; -- supporting the work of the Middle East peace negotiators to renew momentum in the process and avoiding condemnatory resolutions of past assemblies; -- keeping the 1998 budget within the approved $2,533 million and continuing more reforms; and -- encouraging countries to meet reporting obligations under the UN Register of Conventional Arms and the Wassenar Arrangement on conventional and dual-use technology exports. The Security Council also will take advantage of the large number of top officials attending the debate to hold a ministerial-level meeting on Africa September 24. This will continue its major initiative of last year to focus attention on the African continent. This year the council members, including Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, will review Secretary General Kofi Annan's report on Africa entitled "The Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa" released in April. In that report Annan stressed that the time is long past when the responsibility for producing change in Africa can be shifted onto others' shoulders. Both African nations and the international community must "summon the political will" to end wars on the continent, take good governance seriously, and invest in Africa's resources, he said. ----------------------- NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For more information go to: ----------------------- ********************************************** To subscribe or unsubscribe, email: with the message: (un)subscribe ignition-point email@address ********************************************** **********************************************