On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, lizard wrote:
"Colin A. Reed" wrote:
Well here is another moron. From Jerry Fallwell's statements, and Pat Robertsons concurrence, snip
Just as the terrorists are not representative of all Middle-Easterners, so Fallwell and company are not representative of all Americans.
Indeed. Fallwall, Robertson et all would do well to pay a little attention to the gospel they claim to preach. As a long time "born again" I say that were "Jesus alive today" his focus would be much more along the lines of comming up with the Parable of the Firemen, his actions would be in consoleing those who Fallwell and Robertson so desperatly despise, and his anger would be directed at those pharases long on legality and short on mercy. So his word illustrates. So after these and many other public statements in the past, i say that not only do Fallwell and Robertson not speak for America, neither do they speak for Christ.