Marc Horowitz wrote on Dec 23: I think that signatures should be kept. If you really want to be anonymous, you have bigger things to worry about than your sig showing up or not. I don't follow Marc's logic here. If the wrong sig shows up, it obviously negates all other precautions taken in using remailers, etc. And if I want to build a pseudonymous identity for myself, I might want to have a sig for that identity. I wouldn't want the remailers stripping that out. The problem is if you want to send a mixture of anonymous and regular mail. This involves changing the "sig" on the fly; difficult to do reliably with an automatic script. With loss of anonymity the consequence of the wrong sig appearing with either anonymous or non- anonymous messages. Perhaps it would make sense to have a header field which indicated if the sig should be kept or not. This might be a good compromise. Of course I would prefer the signature-screen: Yes to be the default. Also don't forget that for those of us who can't specify net-headers at will this new header would also have to be specifiable within text via the :: convention or otherwise. -- (Edgar W. Swank) SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005 Silicon Valley, Ca