I'd just appreciate it if someone would explain to me just why I'm being completely censored from the cypherpunks list. ... Absolutely none of my recent postings are even going to cypherpunks-unedited, I've received no response to my mail to gnu@toad.com asking why, and I've received absolutely no bounces indicating that there are delivery problems.
I haven't investigated your story because you didn't provide enough details and because I have been busy with other things. There is no infrastructure here for blocking postings from going through cypherpunks-unedited. It really is unedited. Perhaps there is a mailer problem (at your end or at mine). If you cc'd yourself on your messages to cypherpunks, please send me a verbatim copy of such a message that did not appear in cypherpunks-unedited, including all the header lines. I can trace whether it was ever seen on the toad.com end and what happened if it was. Hmm. Your message that I just received, about this problem, was cc'd to cypherpunks. It did not make it into the cypherpunks-unedited list. In examining the message header itself, there is an "Approved: yes" line. My guess is that your attempt to be too tricky has screwed you. Majordomo is probably zapping postings that claim to be, but aren't actually, moderator-approved. This is just a guess. Please try making a posting to cypherpunks without such a line, and see if it goes through into the unedited list. Let me know. John