Right! The logic of that somehow escapes me -- let's see, IQ based on ability to physically respond to stimuli, and blacks, who absolutely, hands down, excel at kicking white ass on the playing field, are last? And asians are first? What sport do they prevail in? Dream on, white boy. Sheee-it -- whites can't even talk as fast as blacks, just listen to hiphop sometime. Sandy Sandfort wrote:
"Dr. Evil" wrote:
What methods are there for doing non-verbal, cross-cultural IQ tests?
Either Shockley or Jensen (I always get those two confused) came up with a purely PHYSICAL IQ test the had a very high correlation with standard IQ tests. It involved a reaction speed test that had to do with pushing buttons when lights flashed or some such. It contained no possible cultural bias, yet support the findings of standard tests in that it showed a statistical difference in IQ between different racial groups. (I.e., the average scores for Asians was higher than that of Caucasians which was higher than for Blacks.) Predictably, the test was denounced by the Politically Correct, but without any substantive critique of the test itself.
S a n d y
-- Harmon Seaver, MLIS CyberShamanix Work 920-203-9633 Home 920-233-5820 hseaver@cybershamanix.com http://www.cybershamanix.com/resume.html