At 04:14 AM 10/14/01 +0000, Nob Odie wrote:
On Tue, 9 Oct 2001 15:22:39 +0800, Xiu Yuan allegedly wrote:
Homepage: Http://
Dear Sir or Madam, Succeed!Hope!Ambition! Everybody who wants to do business in China,please contact with us .Here has a 1,200,000,000 population,here has a wide market.With the development of economy and reformation ,there are too many opportunities in China.You know,China has succeeded in applying for holding the 2008 Olympic Game.In the coming seven years,China must be the golden point in the world.It is full of competition in the 21th century.
Any one-else think that him Engrish am too 'creatively poor',for someone who want to velly,much trade with America? Ahso!?!
Your Chinese. Demonstrate. Fucking ssz node, where you sent from.