17 Dec
17 Dec
3:17 p.m.
yeah. So far I played with it, I found out that allocating arrays in memory as N-dimentional matrix seem to be the best solution. The rest of things seem to be pathetically slow. I generally do all my coding under Linux so there's no problem with memory limits. Thanks again for all help. F. --- Fyodor Yarochkin tel:[996-3312] 474465 email:fygrave@usa.net http://www.kalug.lug.net/ X-Noizz http://infernus.online.kg echo 'subscribe kalug' | mail majordomo@krsu.edu.kg : join Kyrgyztani L.U.G. - "Only Schizophrenia beats being alone." - http://www.kalug.lug.net/fygrave