17 Dec
17 Dec
3:17 p.m.
At 23:38 10/07/96 -0700, Will Price wrote:
ANNOUNCEMENT: PGPfone Beta 7 Now Available for Download
Sorry if this has been discussed before (please point me in the right direction if that is the case), but VSNL, my government-owned ISP (which also has a monopoly on all international traffic) made me sign that I will not use my Internet connection for voice traffic. Is there any way they could find out if I were using PGPfone, or rather, could I prevent them from finding out? Arun Mehta Phone +91-11-6841172, 6849103 amehta@cpsr.org http://mahavir.doe.ernet.in/~pinaward/arun.htm The protestors of Tiananmen Square will be back. Next time, the battle will be fought in cyberspace, where the students have the more powerful tanks...