WHITE HOUSE SOUNDS CALL FOR NEW INTERNET STANDARDS The Bush administration's cyber security czar, Richard Clarke, said it might be time to replace the "creaky, cranky" 20-year-old protocols that drive the Internet with standards better able to accommodate a flood of new wireless devices. Wireless devices, it is feared, may introduce large security holes to the network. The White House is working with the private sector to draft a national plan to secure the country's most vital computer networks from cyber attack. The plan, expected to be released September 18, will include several policy recommendations for wireless security. Clarke stated that the administration had an obligation to take an active role in ensuring the security of the Internet, especially since nearly 81 percent of major businesses today use, or plan to use, wireless networks. [SOURCE: The Washington Post, AUTHOR: Brian Krebs] <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A22535-2002Jul30.html>