Dale Thorn wrote:
Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
"Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net> writes:
At 1:20 PM -0600 2/11/97, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
If the people decide for creation of a new USENET newsgroup, we need to think very hard about actually moving it to a different hierarchy from alt.*. I would propose comp.org.cypherpunks, comp.cypherpunks, sci.crypt.cypherpunks or something like that.
It is too late to stop alt.cypherpunks, but if I had to make a prediction again, I would predict that soon posters will BEG to help them create comp.*.cypherpunks, because of spam and alt.flamage.
I would lean toward sci.crypt.cypherpunks myself. Are there any implications in the use of that name as to restrictions, etc.?
Not really. All you have to do is to go through a formal newsgroup creation process, post a RFD, second RFD, a CFV, and supposedly impartial votetakers will record the votes. You must get > 100 votes YES, and the number of YES votes should be more than twice (thrice?) the number of NO votes. - Igor.