This is the time of year when we all sit down to reflect on last year and set some new goals for the coming year. What kind of year was 1997 for you? What will be your goals for 1998? Why not make prosperity your goal for '98? There are many things that come under the auspices of 'prosperity' including time, money, love, success, balance, joy, comfort, beauty, good health, wisdom, etc. Are you prosperous with your time? Or, do you always feel rushed and pressured? Do you always feel there's not enough time to do the things you want to do? Then you have poverty with respect to time. Wall Street Journal wrote that leisure time, not money, will be the status symbol of prosperity in the coming years. There is now a new legal research tool available that will not only save you countless hours of unbillable time, but also allows you to efficiently locate the same information available through Westlaw and Lexis Nexis without paying one minute of on-line fees. And the best part is, it doesn't cost you $500. to $1,000. a year in additional service charges. If you think this is too good to be true, WinServices Technologies' Virtual Law Library on CD-ROM will, however, cost you $69.95. The Virtual Law Library will unleash the full power of your personal computer by giving you access to more than 15,000 free legal research sites on the Internet. Jane Block, the National Federation of Paralegal Associations' Cyberparalegal of the Year, states that "by using the Virtual Law Library I am able to cut my research time on the Internet by more than 75%." Rob Lloyd, a third-year law student at Seattle University Law School, claims that "the Virtual Law Library is so comprehensive, it has almost eliminated my trips to the Law Library." Come visit us at: Order your Personal Edition through our secured Web Site at: For more information or to order your Personal Edition of the Virtual Law Library call: 253-813-6930 To rush your order simply fill out the order form below and fax it to our 24 hour order line at: 253-813-6980 or Mail your order to: WinServices P.O. Box 23845 Federal Way, WA 98093-0845 ORDER FORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Name________________________________________________________ Your Address______________________________________________________ Your City_________________________________________________________ State / Zip_________________________________________________________ Phone #: ________-____________-__________________ (For problems with your order only. No salesmen will call.) Email Address_____________________@__________________________ We Accept Checks or Money Orders along with all Major Credit Cards including Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express (NOTE - We only ship to the address listed on the credit card) (Please Fill Out the Section Below and Make sure that the above name and address are listed as it appears on the card) for $69.95 Credit Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: __________/____________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: _______________________ Or order your Personal Edition through our secured Web Site at: Thanks for ordering the Virtual Law Library! Please allow two weeks for shipping and handling.