Sandy Sandfort wrote:
John Young wrote:
And another excellent quality of the number of its outstanding writers sent to jail...
Offhand, I can't think of one outstanding C'punk writer who has gone to jail. Hell, they haven't even put John in jail.
I think I'm coming to believe the canard about Americans having no sense of irony. And even the one about New York and points East still being more like Europe in some ways than it is like the USA south and west of the Hudson. Of course in JY's case it is sometimes irony that reads as if it has been filtered through the fingers of one who has been to more than one party since he last slept, and has read way too much art history and cultural criticism. A guide to you Pacific People. When us Atlantic People say something with this little twitch in our voice (just listen - there - did you hear it?) we mean the *exact* *opposite* of what we seem to be saying. And when we use this sort of supercilious sneer (pay attention now, it is very subtle) we mean both what we are apparently saying *and* its opposite, simultaneously, the two held in tension in an unstable melange of fractal meaning. It's a Good Life. Ken Brown