Timothy C. May writes:
One need only look to Usenet for a robust, automatically (and automagically) distributed system.
Usenet is horribly unreliable, alt and obscure newsgroups doubly so. Usenet is also slow. Posts can take days to schlep their way across servers. A mailing list or web-based Cypherpunks, gated to and from a newsgroup, might be an acceptable compromise. That way we could still chat in something resembling real time, with the newsgroup to fall back upon in case SWAT teams took out all the list servers. Of course, a newsgroup any moron could access from AOL without having to "subscrive" would probably attract additional trolls and spam. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"