At 10:25 PM 10/18/00 -0400, Neil Johnson wrote:
Two Things: 1. It sounds like to me that there is no room for human compassion in crypto-anarchy.
Compassion doesn't come from the state. Compassion comes from individuals. I don't see what difference a cryptoworld makes. Philanthropists exist there too. Before the state, and before the welfare state you've lived your life in, there were social networks ---families, friends, guilds, etc. They will exist after the state, too.
(Seems like we will all end up sitting in our "compounds" armed to the teeth and if anybody comes along we either blow'em to bits or pay them anonymous digital cash to go away).
Well, how reasonable that is depends on the social environment at the time. Ever been in a rioting area?
2. I think that it's funny that ultra-conservatives who are for letting "competition" improve health care are setting themselves up for more abortions.
Don't know what you mean by ultra-conservative, but its only the fundies who get their panties in a bind about abortion. If by ultraconservative you are trying to map cypherpunks' typical libertarianism into the demopublican left vs. right farce, you'll find you need a different dimension ---statism. [Of course, you could substitute religious authorities for state authorities, and there are some in the world who would consciously do that substitution. They are indistinguishable if they will also use violence to get their way. The only difference might be the noises they emit to justify it.]