At 06:56 PM 7/18/01 +0200, Eugene Leitl wrote:
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, David Honig wrote:
1. encrypted data is indisttinguishable from uniformly distributed noise
Yes, but which natural data sources have that signature?
None. I was glossing over how you should measure your (e.g., camera's) LSB stats then shape your ciphertext distribution that way. I also didn't mention the work by [???] on detecting stego, and about countermeasures to this detection. I also didn't mention how some stego does not use raw LSBs but interstitial places in complex encodings (e.g., mp3). I was only explaining the principle of how you don't need a 'secret method' to hide the existence of messages.
2. LSBs in digitizations of analog signals are noise
Not uniformly distributed noise, unfortunately. Perhaps somebody should put hardware entropy generators mixing white noise into multimedia steam LSBs. People should definitely package stegano decoys into Open Source streaming multimedia warez.
Of course not uniformly distributed, you have to cook any source of noise to distill the pure stuff we covet.
Stego by itself is much less interesting than stego'd encrypted data (with idenntifying headers stripped of course)
The point of stego is not leaking the information that you're sending other information.
Yes. And as you point out correctly, doing this requires knowing something *clever* about the covertext. But it does not require *secret* algorithms, which is well known for not being robust.