A RNG is a character or string generator whose generation algorithm prevents prediction of the next output if one knows all the previous outputs and the algorithm. In other words if you know everything there is to know about the generator your odds of predicting the next output state are even - pure luck - 'Fair'. A PRNG is one that fails the RNG test. Read Knuth, you should also check out, Exploring Randomness G.J. Chaitin ISBN 1-85233-417-7 Has some interesting insite on randomness, some of his propositions are not exactly same old same old. Interesting read. On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, gfgs pedo wrote:
eer..I think we need a defenition of an Rng & Prng that every 1 should agree on.
would this help?
RNG & PRNG ----------------
1:>A RNG has an infinite period where as a PRNG has a defenite period after which the sequence will repeat. Atmospheric noise,Radiation decay are examples of RNG's.(Difference)
2:>An RNG & PRNG should pass a series of radomness tests. (Similarity)
3:>For the same set of input parameters,a RNG always give a different output. A PRNG always gives the same set of outputs for the same input parameters (Difference)
would any 1 also like 2 review
http://www.ircsuper.net/~neo/prng.html thanx.
Regards Data.
-- ____________________________________________________________________ When I die, I would like to be born again as me. Hugh Hefner ravage@ssz.com www.ssz.com jchoate@open-forge.org www.open-forge.org --------------------------------------------------------------------