On Mon, 10 Mar 1997 ichudov@algebra.com wrote:
lucifer Anonymous Remailer wrote:
distributing it via this list, I still consider it copyrighted material, for what that's worth. It will eventually be published, in some form, in a magazine, as part of a much longer article.
Right - Chris Platt wants everybody to believe that he's a journalist. Just ask all the people on sci.cryo who think he's just a lying crook. If the drunkard publishes this crap, it'll be at his own expense.
Hey, there is no such newsgroup -- sci.cryo.
I suggest that interested readers check out DejaNews and make sure.
Of course, this is more Vulisware generated bullshit. How can you tell if Vulis is lying? He writes messages. How does VulisWare operate? VulisWare 1.0 is a lame AI spamming device whose only purpose in life is to generate havoc on mailing list. As of this writing the VulisWare bot is only running on the cypherpunks list. It generates rants, raves and lies about whomever it targets resorting to ethnic, racist, homophobic, pedophiliac, dandruff oriented, and sometimes outright outrageously bizzare made up stories. These are selected by a complex Pseudo RandomNumber Generator which uses its wife process's PMS cycle as a seed. Failing that, it points out spelling errors. It does net searches to find out info on the target, then posts the target's phone number, address, and employer info online asking that all spam the target and their employer. If that fails to have any effect, it sends its lies to the targets employers and calls up its target employer to find out information on them, or to slander them. If it can't find out anything about the target, it makes up lies of outrageous proportions (such as quoted above) and posts them. [Apparently the VulisBot has recently watched a Babylon 5, where the Big Lie algorythm is used agains B5 - of all things, the big lie issuers claimed those who run B5 had cryogenically frozen people.] It keeps a database of lies used on each target, then repeats the lies over and over again - this is attributed to the KGB Big Lie Algorythm (TM of the KGB, copyrighted and patented by the KGB). For those unfamiliar with this algorythm, the idea is that if you repeat a big lie enough times, people will believe it. Because of this, it must constantly post anonymous - and tentacle versions of the same lie. Following the tentacles of these other folks leads back to dm.com. Further, one mutation of the VulisBOT is stuck in a loop posting small anonymous slander several times a day aimed at Tim May. Anything the VulisBot says should carry the following warning "WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that reading Vulis sent mail can cause stupidity, brain failure, and sometimes laughter. At no time are you to believe anything sent by Vulis or its tentacles." The VuisBot's only purpose in life is to cause havoc and chaos. It gets pleasure from this. At times if it is really bored, it will send huge texts of crap to the list in hopes of filling up the mailboxes of those subscribed to the list. In truth, the VulisBot has only succeded to strengthen the cypherpunks movement as several mailing lists have now been created. Where originally there was one, there are now three! VulisBot believes it is hurting the list. In truth it is helping the cypherpunks movement, though granted it is causing much spam and noise, it has only made us stronger. Short of an accidental NYPD hollow point bullet striking by accident in vecinity of 67-67 Burns Street, Forrest Hills, NY 11375 (718) 261-6839, there is a known cure: To receive VulisFree mail (*) you may subscribed to one of several filtered mailing lists. Info on one such list is available by pointing your web browser at http://www.sundernet.com/crypto.html. This list in particular has grealy grown in size due to VulisBot's activities. Other cures: setup procmail or another mail filter and immediatly delete anything with the word Vulis in the header. (*) Even though Vulis is known to be insane, as all insane people are known to, even Vulis occasionally (once in a blue moon) will post a coherent, sane, and useful message. The filtered cypherpunks list reserves the right to forward such mail. Granted, this almost never happens, do not be shocked if it does. =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian | "If you're gonna die, die with your|./|\. ..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com|boots on; If you're gonna try, just |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |stick around; Gonna cry? Just move along|\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |you're gonna die, you're gonna die!" |.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"| --Iron Maiden "Die With Your Boots on"|..... ======================== http://www.sundernet.com ========================= For with those which eternal lie, with strange eons even death may die.