I've seen several Cypherpunks express the opinion that can be summarized as "We paid $40 million for _this_?" And "Ken Starr is on a witch hunt." Indeed, a lot of money spend by the Independent Prosecutor. And Starr is indeed a Grand Inquisitor. But he is following the law, and Attorney General Janet Reno authorized his latest venture. I'm generally pleased with what's happening. Many points to make: * What goes around, comes around. The Liberal puke Democrats who crucified Bob Packwood, Clarence Thomas, and any number of corporate people charged with "sexual harassment," are now reaping what they sowed. "If she says it happened, it happened," the mantra of the feminazi left, is now apparently forgotten by Patricia It's not our business" Ireland. * And it was the Dems who pushed through the Independent Prosecutor Act (or whatever the precise name is). They've reaped the whirlwind, as it were. * Lawmaking is paralzyed, frozen, stillborne. This I count as a Good Thing. Even better will be another 8-10 months of this nightly spectacle. No Health Care Reform, no Communications Decency Act II, no Tobacco Act, nothing. (By the way, a danger will be having Republicans sweep into power in November and then making mischief about morality, new laws about crypto and terrorism, etc.) * Clinton is of course shown to be a liar, a perjurer, a suborner of perjury, an abuser of his office, and a duplicitous jerk who spouts NOW mantras while doing what any CEO in America would be fired and sued over. (Not that I support any such lawsuits.) * This disgraces the Presidency, which I also count as a Good Thing. There were hopes that Nixon's downfall would be the end of the Imperial Presidency, but, alas, the pomp and circumstance continued unabated. It's time we demystify this whole President thing and start asking why the fuck we should let some tinhorn politician spend our money. * Children will be taught that the President is a liar, adulterer, creep, jerk, fool, pervert, and general scumbag. (A friend of mine has been pointing out to his 10-year-old son that Clinton is a lying piece of dog shit, a monster who professes to lead us all morally while poking cigars in Monica's cunt and then going to church to piously opine about the need for values....not that the cigar thing is ipso facto immoral, just at odds with his "family values" nonsense. * Let us all hope this "does not go to completion" (ha ha) for many, many months. Let us hope all see that this nation of laws is built on lies and perjurious talking points. * I know that if I'm called to testify in court I'll be sorely tempted to say: "As for telling the truth, I plan to follow the example of the President." Ironically, this situation is now so well known that such a statement would almost certainly be taken by a judge today as contempt of court. And yet we put up with having this lying sack of shit in the White House. I am chortling. --Tim May (This space left blank pending determ. of acceptability to the gov't.) ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Licensed Ontologist | black markets, collapse of governments.